The Journey Has Just Begun

I’m sitting in the airport reflecting on the past 9 weeks (I was sitting in the airport when I wrote this, posting a little late) and could not be even a little bit happier than I am right now. I have so many emotions right now; so sad to be leaving this beautiful country, overjoyed to be headed home to see Kat, my family, and my friends, and so filled with joy and happiness.

We do things that we like, we do things that make us happy. We all want to get the most out of our lives. In the process of getting the most out of our lives our intentions get clouded with things we think we need to accomplish that goal. Money, success, school, image, and security sneak themselves into our minds to give us a false image of happiness. I don’t think we intentionally do this, society and culture promote it and I think it’s human nature to follow society. What defines ‘happiness’ and how does God’s plan fit into all of this?

Doing mission work we think we’re going places to help the helpless and be beacons of Christ’s love. I guess in a small small way we do this, or at least try to do this. What happens is almost the opposite of that. Who is more helpless, a man with 6 figure job that doesn’t have the time for his kids and wife, who works like a dog at a desk or the man who would never trade the time he spends with his family and those close to him for an extra 10 hours of work a week? There are definitely arguments to each side and that only answer is that there is no 100% correct answer.

We come to opinions in our live based on experiences, this summer I experienced a people so rich in love and culture. In essence, I experienced life in it’s truest form. When you boil life down to the bare minimum and slow down enough to hear the voice of the Lord, you are truly living. The quote my buddy Matthew (actually Jesus) “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?” (Matt. 6:25)

I have a new family, a family that loves me tremendously and whom I love equally as much back. A family that drops what they’re doing to throw me a surprise party on my last morning with everything including a piñata. I have learned so much more than I taught, been given more than I gave, and have been served more than I served. I am undoubtedly a stronger listener, leader and lover. I have been loved so well and I fully intend to take that love home with me.

So, my friends the journey has just begun. Life is a journey and it never ends and it never ceases to be beautiful. I’m ready for the next chapter in my life. Thank you everyone who prayed this summer for me and for Nicaragua. Thank you to all of the friends I made this summer that came to El Ayudante. Thank you for your hearts and your time. (Special shoutout to Will Henke, keep Franklin ‘rich’.) My heart is so amazingly full.

So much love,


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